Dedication to my classmates and teachers

This is a dedication to my classmates and teachers in this new journey!Last week, I have just completed my first four-weekend Yoga Teach Training with Radha and Ben, and I am sure it won’t be the last. Every week I was really excited to meet them to be able to share this amazing experience. Even when time was done none of us wanted to leave, we enjoyed stayed there for a few more minutes just to hang around.Radha I will always follow you, you are an amazing soul. You are so open to share your knowledge, and that’s why your classes are amazing. Ben you have the two essentials aspects, the spiritual side and the hard practice. I admire your dedication and knowledge. Your arm balances are astonishing and you guys look so cute together.Alisha, your backbends are amazing as well as your smile. Cilia, the super elastic girl, you inspire calmness and really look so peaceful in meditation pose.Allison, you look like the warrior princess Sheena; your voice is amazing and you make me feel like I was inside the book. Evelyn, you are such an example of just one word WOW, excellent folding forward.



Rainbow Salad


Yoga Sutras and Asanas