Why is important a yogic diet?
By Karla Garcia, LTY trainee 2016
When we begin practicing yoga it infuses not only to one part of your life, but your whole life. It is a whole life commitment to awareness, compassion, and attaining the union between your atman (your pure soul) and purusha (pure universal consciousness). One of the keys of a yogic life style is the concept on Ahimsa(non violence), which lays out a road map of guiding principles in living a life free of harm; this also takes into consideration yourself and all living beings. When you make your choices by the principle Ahimsa you know you are ready for to make a full commitment to a spiritual path of yoga, because altering your diet is one of the most challenging aspects of yogic life. Practicing Ahimsa in your diet means what you eat is not harmful to living beings like animals, and not harming you or mother earth— it is fosters and promotes a peaceful relationship with the body and all beings on earth. A vegetarian diet is a core foundation of spiritual development in the tradition of yoga. I would like to share the following simple recipe I found.Buddha BowlIngredients1 clove of garlic1 pinch of salt1 tablespoon soy sauce1 tablespoon of lemon juice1 tablespoon of vegetable oil1 tablespoon of maple syrup2 tablespoons sesame tahini1 diced sweet potato1 avocado1 carrot2 dried figs, sliced1 tablespoon vegetable oilDirections1. Preheat oven to 350*F2. In a mortar place garlic and ginger, add a pinch of salt and ground. If you don’t have a mortar grind all the dressing ingredients in a blender.3. Add the soy sauce, lemon juice, vegetable oil, maple syrup and sesame tahini blend.4. Cut sweet potato and dry figs, oil salt, stir and bake for 30 minutes.5. Serve in a bowl with brown rice and garnish with vinaigrette, avocado, green onions and carrot.