Gentle Chakra Meditation

By  Christina A. Demetre, LTY trainee/2016

Make your way into a comfortably seated position. Gently close your eyes, and bring your awareness to your breath. Begin to soften into your body, and allowing your mind to ease.Connect with the ground below you. Allow yourself to feel the support.  With each inhale, feel it meet with the earth below and each exhale, have it come up to meet the sky above. As the breath travels, have it start to stretch throughout the sides of your body.Begin to clear your mind. Release what it no longer needs to hold on to. Allow yourself to let it go. Sense in to your body, release anything that it no longer needs to hold on to. Allow yourself to let it go.Slowly come back to your center. Ground yourself here, in this moment.On your next inhale, breathe all the way down to below the base of your spine - your Root Chakra. Begin to bathe yourself in the color red - the powerful color of a fire. Feel the vibration of "Lam". With each breath, take in nourishment and life force energy. You are strong, grounded in the present moment, the here and now. Allow your Root to take in what it needs. "I am here." "I have a right to be here, as I am." "The Earth supports me."Allow your breath to move up to just below your navel - your Sacral Chakra. Begin to bathe yourself in the color orange - the color within the beauty of a sunrise. Feel the vibration of "Yam". With each breath, take in the nourishment and life force energy. You are creative, move with fluidity, take in pleasure and balanced. Allow your Sacral Chakra to take in what it needs."I honor my needs." "I allow myself to be nourished."When you are ready, allow your inhale to move up towards the area you feel as your gut. Use your intuition - your Solar Plexus. Begin to bathe yourself in the color yellow - the glorious color of sunshine. Feel the vibration of "Ram". With each breath, take in the nourishment and life force energy. You are courageous, work through fear by taking risks, stand tall within your personal power. Allow your Solar Plexus to take in what it needs. "I value myself." "I am more than enough." "I am worth my weight in gold."Coming up to the center of your chest, breathe gently and soften into your Heart Chakra. Begin to bathe yourself in the color green - a lily pad with a light pink lotus on the center. Feel the vibration of "Yam." With each breath, take in the nourishment and life force energy. You are able to open your heart, love and accept love unconfitionally and maintain healthy relationships. "I am greatly loved." "I allow myself to give and receive love freely." "I am nourished by the power of love."On your next inhale, feel the breathe move up into your neck - your Throat Chakra. Beging to bathe yourself in the color blue - a clear sky. Feel the vibration of "Ham." With each breath, take in the nourishment and life force energy. Your voice moves powerfully, you fully communicate your emotions and honor your personal truths without judgement. "I express myself freely." "I allow myself to go with the flow of life." "I hear and speak my truth."Allow your breath to bring you up to your forehead, the space between your eyebrows - your Third Eye Chakra. Begin to bathe yourself in the color indigo - the color of the velvety night sky. Feel the vibration of "Om". With each breath, take in the nourishment and life force energy. You are able to have an open mind, can see the bigger picture, open to all possibilities and receive wisdom from more than just your ordinary senses. "Everything is unfolding as it should."Moving up to the top of your head - your Crown Chakra. Begin to bathe yourself in the color light violet. Feel the vibration of  "Om". With each breath, take in the nourishment and life force energy. You are in harmony, feel free and at peace within your spiritual and physical bodies. "I am one with the Universe." "I am one with the Whole."When you are ready, begin to feel yourself as a whole, all of your chakras ignited. Feel your breath easy and natural. "I am whole." Bring your awareness on the air on your skin. The sounds in the room. The space around you. The earth below you. Allow your chakras to close ever so slightly. Hold yourself in this moment - with loving kindness. When you are ready, gently open your eyes. 


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