Revolving Side Angle Pose- Parivritta Parsvokonasana

SuB2Revolving side angle pose is one of the poses that has truly grown on me. As a beginner yogi I really struggled with this pose. I always felt really clumsy and I couldn’t twist my upper torso too much. Of course, there was also the balancing act! I still like to place my knee on the floor for a deeper twist first and then try to balance after lifting the knee off the ground, and I have to say, every day is different. I’m learning to surrender to the pose and letting each day express them selves without expectations. Balancing could be tricky on this one! It’s one of the poses that with the years I have learned to love, as I’m also finally learning the benefits of Parivritta Parsvokonasana. Just to name a few of the benefits, this pose strengthen and stretches the legs and back. It increases flexibility in the hips and shoulders. Most importantly for me, energizes the digestive system and massages the internal organs. Learning in depth about the poses and their benefits is one of the reasons why I’m taking this teacher training.LIGHTRAIL YOGA TEACHER TRAINING 


Want to increase flexibility of your hips and pelvis?


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