The Chakras

Part of our teacher training includes Subtle Anatomy. Under this section we study the Chakras. There are seven principal Chakras and each one associates with different aspects of our existence. They can relate to the physical body, energy flow, and spirituality.Starting from the base of the spine with Muladhara Chakra- Root Chakra. This Chakra is represented with the color red and earth. It’s associated with survival and security. To overcome blockages of fear, you can exercise and get restful sleep. You can also incorporate Tadasana (Mountain Pose) into your yoga routine.Continuing to the lower abdomen below the navel is Svadhishthana Chakra- Sacral Chakra. It’s represented with the color orange and water. It’s associated with pleasure and sexuality. To overcome blockages of guilt, take time to enjoy the things you like and include Badha Konasana (Cobbler’s Pose) into your yoga practice.In the upper abdomen and stomach area, we find Manipura Chakra- Solar Plexus Chakra. It’s represented with the color yellow and fire. It’s associated with willpower and intellect. To overcome blockages of shame, try learning something new and include Navasana (Boat Pose) in your yoga practice or try an easy Bidalasana (Cat/Cow Pose.)Above the heart and in the center of the chest is Anahata Chakra- Heart Chakra. It’s associated with love and inner peace. To overcome blockages of grief, spend time with your family and open your heart every time you practice Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose.)Going into the upper Chakras we find Vishuddhi Chakra-Throat Chakra in the throat area. This Chakra is represented by the color blue and sound. It’s associated with truth and communication. To overcome blockages of lies, trying singing and make sure to include Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) and Matsyasana (Fish Pose) into your yoga routine.In the forehead between the eyes is Ajna Chakra- Third Eye Chakra. It’s associated with light and insight. To overcome blockages of illusions, try meditation/mindful concentration or Balasana (Child Pose.)We find the last Chakra on the top the head, Sahasrara Chakra- Crown Chakra. It’s associated with the color violet and cosmic energy. To overcome blockages from material attachment, focus on dreams and meditate on peaceful thoughts while practicing the king of the yoga poses, Sirsasana (Headstand.)Which do you feel is your strongest Chakra?whatthechakraLIGHTRAIL YOGA TEACHER TRAINING


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