Meditation... What is that?
What is that? Books and wise people say it can be defined as “a state of consciousness characterized by stillness and inner calm where the ultimate goal is to attain the supreme spiritual peace”. Some say it is mental maintenance. I fully agree with the later explanation. Whether you want to reach supreme spiritual peace in this life time or not, the main thing is to keep your mind healthy now; in this moment. This moment is the only thing we have. That’s why meditation rocks! Yes, it is soooo difficult sometimes, I even want to say some days it feels impossible (although I truly believe everything is possible in life!). However, every now and then you have those awesome moments in meditation when you get a hint of what it can and what it will be once you learn more. And, I guess like in everything in life, practice makes perfect…or at least better!Never give up !!!LIGHTRAIL YOGA TEACHER TRAINING