Being Pregnant While Certifying in Yoga

By Cristina Cernuda

LTY trainee/2016

When I made the decision to certify in yoga the thought of getting pregnant couldn’t have been further from my mind—but it seems that’s when these little miracles happen; always when you least expect it. The news was received with incredible joy and relentless excitement, but a small part of me was disappointed because I was worried about missing out on the opportunity to deepen my yoga practice. Finding Radha and Benjamin’s program with Lightrail Yoga was in my feeling, a universal sign—I could have the best of both worlds. Still, knowing that I could complete the training while going through my pregnancy didn't mean I would get everything I wanted, but I think it’s what I needed. Already, the training has taught me about patience, gratitude, and letting go so I can just appreciate exactly where I am. The more I practice the yogic lifestyle, the more I find myself growing aware of my thoughts and how they affect my approach to life. It is extremely easy (and almost innate) to focus on what you’re missing rather than all that you have; thankfully life hands you the lessons you need to learn before you even know you need them. Through my training I’m beginning to learn a perspective I’ve never known, but one that’s perfect for me to accommodate in this moment in my life—being a mother. It’s the most amazing and simultaneously frightening feeling I’ve ever experienced because there’s just so much more the think about than just myself.  I try to balance my fear with a mantra of positive thoughts for mine and baby’s health, meditation is a tool that helps me keep fretful thoughts at bay. But the whole process (asanas, meditation, and pranayama)  is helping me to find balance in my mind, body and soul; but ultimately it’s teaching me to enjoy where I am and simply be present.As I practice with my classmates, there are many asanas that I have to modify or even completely abstain from because it’s not advised for pregnancy, but this insight will help me nurture my body in this time, and hopefully pass it along to my students in the future. Before pregnancy, I had a headstand practice, a handstand practice, and arm balance practice, and absolutely loved spine opening postures, but now is not the time to advance those abilities, it’s time to make space. Time to open my heart, and prepare my mind and body for labor, and thereafter nurturing my child. When I look at all that I’m gaining, I simply forget what I am “missing” out on. It’s this kind of shift in perspective where you start to take your yoga off the mat, and live a life rooted in harmony between you and god—at least that’s what I’m finding. Ultimately, the only true limits are the ones we put on ourselves. I encourage everyone to let go and make space for a deeper practice. 


Injury As Practice


GRATITUDE... Thank you